I have a proposal. I want to rebrand Christmas. All the festive marketing material wants us to put an equal sign between Christmas and joy. What if I don't feel joy but many other emotions, such as fear?
Fear of being compared to more successful relatives.
Fear of feeling lonely.
Fear of not being enough.
When I went to a popular stock photo site and typed in “Christmas,” I didn’t say “Christmas with family” or “Christmas with children;” I just said “Christmas.” All the images with humans in them looked like this.

Not everyone has a child to kiss, not everyone has a family to hug, and not everyone is smiling, definitely not all the time. From my own experience, other than feeling gratitude for all the love and blessings, there may be another thought in the back of your mind during the Christmas holiday:
- When surrounded by people you don’t like, but need to see at least once a year, you feel irritated. Even with all the metta (love and kindness) meditation I teach and practice, I agree that there are people in our lives with whom we may never get along.
- When surrounded by people you love, you feel guilty that you have not been the best father, mother, daughter, son, sibling, etc.
- When you're alone, you feel like a loser, especially for those of us who don't have a perfect family unit, as pictured in the holiday ads or stock photos.
While you are irritated, angry with yourself or others, or disappointed with how life has turned out, I hope you stumble onto this blog, which aims to make your Christmas and subsequent similar occasions more enjoyable and meaningful.
WARNING! You need to take my advice with a grain of salt. I am a woman in my mid-40s, not married, way past my prime, childless, and regularly talking about divorce and mental health challenges publicly. I occasionally talk about AI, so I am also a tech geek. What do they call women like us in Chinese? The rotten oranges at the bottom of the bamboo rattan basket. I often suspect I might be seen as an unlucky charm for the holidays since social norms may classify my life as borderline tragic.

As I think more, my status might make me a better advisor because I am more experienced in processing misery, a.k.a unfulfilled expectations. Mind you, I do have a few rescue dogs, but I don’t have cats (yet).

After years of being a mental health advocate and hearing personal stories from all walks of life, I now understand that fear does not come in standard packaging. From the outside, others might easily assume you have it all, but you still have fear deep inside. You might succeed in hiding it most of the time, but the holiday season can be especially triggering because of societal expectations.
Two main root causes can be incredibly challenging during the holiday season:
- The feeling of lack. During festive times, there are many opportunities to compare ourselves to people we manage to put in the bottom drawer during the rest of the year. To lack, you are measuring yourself against others' expectations and expectations of how you and your life should be.
This sense of lack keeps returning because no external validation can possibly resolve a void that can only be filled internally. And yet we keep chasing that perfect family Christmas portrait, social media likes from bystanders who do not intend to support our healing journey, and compliments from those who do not appreciate us. As we Chinese say, there is no point in playing piano to a bull. I am sure live piano music has some therapeutic value for bulls, but you might be disappointed if you want the bull to clap and truly connect with you through your music. Even if it does, would that fill your void?
- The feeling of misalignment. To be in full alignment, we need to serve our purpose and have our hearts, minds, and actions all striving forward in synchronicity. Somewhere between fear of pursuing our dreams and wanting to meet others’ expectations, you can drift further away from that genuine desire in your heart. Over time, the voice of your heart gets so soft that it no longer gets a seat at the decision table. Imagine decisions made daily without consulting your heart; after some time, your life will be stifled with titles, materials, and people that do not resonate. Without that strong nudge from our hearts, we may be in autopilot mode and just take the path of least resistance.
The sense of drifting away from ourselves creates a deep anxiety. It feels like our foundation is crumbling. During the holiday, while you are with your loved ones and visiting your families, you may be reminded of your childhood dreams and who you once were. You may be critical of yourself for leaving your dreams behind. If you are hoping to get external validation through your possessions to numb this anxiety, it is unlikely you will succeed.
Healing work must be done from within. The most important person you need love from is you, yet we tend to dislike ourselves to the point that we would rather self-sabotage than face our true selves. If you block yourself from your heart, you are also running away from those who genuinely love you and appreciate who you are. When we lie to ourselves, we also avoid those who shine lights on us. Truths will always surface under the light of love, and we may not want that when we want to stay in the dark, living in the shadow of others’ expectations.
To love is to be vulnerable. To be honest. To love ourselves fully, we need to shine a light on all parts—both the bits we are proud of and not proud of. We need to honor every decision we have made, every path we have taken, and every emotion we have felt. We need to accept that certain people and incidents happen to awaken us, to force us to release specific patterns, to nudge us back on our paths. Very often, certain people come into our lives only temporarily to help us grow. Your purpose and self-image may also evolve. All versions of ourselves have their place on our journey. They will always be part of us but never ours entirety.
The path to bliss is made of many different types of rocks. Some are gems with sparkles; some are rocks with sharp edges. Some are firm, and some are shaky. Sometimes, we go up towards the plateau; sometimes, we take a detour; sometimes, we must go downward before finding a new path to get back up. Each step of the way, we build strengths in different parts of our body, getting ready for the next challenge. How boring would life be if it were just one flat, smooth concrete path?
During this holiday, between the family gossip and chatter, have some internal dialogues with yourself. In our spiritual practice, we call this self-inquiry. Find a quiet space, take some deep breaths in, and ask yourself these questions:
1) Who am I?
2) What makes me happy?
3) What is my purpose?
4) How can I serve the world?
There may be answers or no answers. When you finish, release all the questions to the universe. Write down any insights you may have in your journal. It will take some time to build the vision, which may evolve. But the point is, where are you going if you don’t have a vision? How do you make day-to-day decisions that are aligned with your intention? What are you chasing out there daily without a clear purpose? Instead of habitually looking for answers externally, give yourself time and space to go for a walk internally. Your love, faith, and vision for yourself will provide you with that sense of security and belonging that we all crave. No matter how much others love you, you are the only one who must crawl towards the light at the end of the tunnel.
Society's idea of a traditional, joyful Christmas in many ways represents the ultimate in unmet expectations and requires us to suppress the full spectrum of human feelings, which include pain and sadness. But for me, the season presents an opportunity to shine a light on those dark feelings and strengthen our relationship with ourselves.

Let’s rebrand Christmas, starting with this one. Let’s make it a time when we’re allowed to feel all emotions and embrace all parts of ourselves. Let’s celebrate the uniquely human privilege of feeling a wide range of moods simultaneously. Let’s clarify our purpose and how we want to show up in the world.
From my place at the bottom of the bamboo rattan basket—where many of us have been privileged to ferment into a fine liqueur—I wish you an introspective Christmas. I hope you find new strength to cope with whatever challenges come your way in the New Year.
如何在被期许欢欣时, 安然面对心中恐惧
• 当你不得不与那些难以相处、却又一年一见的亲人坐于同桌,你会恼怒,即使你曾千般修炼,试图以慈悲心化解芥蒂,却仍承认总有人与你缘浅神疏。
• 当你与所爱之人团聚,你会惭愧自己并未全然尽责,愧为父母、子女或兄妹。
• 若你独自一人,或许会自觉失败,仿佛在这满城皆贺的良辰中独自落单,不合锦绣图景。
1. 我是谁?
2. 何事能令我绽放真挚的欢喜?
3. 我的生命旨趣所在?
4. 我又将以何种姿态,为这世界奉献光芒?
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