The Thing We Should Fear Most About AI Is Not What You Think — But It’s Already Happening
It’s not too late for humanity to protect itself by rediscovering its superpowers
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“Is artificial intelligence going to replace humans?”
I have been asked this question on many occasions in the past year.
My answer: “No, but … we should be far more concerned about humanity becoming more like AI.”
In many of these dinner conversations, I sense that people recognize the potential scale of AI's impact and want to participate in the discussions. Still, they don’t feel they have an adequate amount of knowledge.
And they are afraid.
One of their biggest worries regarding AI is the possibility of human replacement. We have accepted that a sewing machine can sew clothes better and a calculator can do math faster than us, but AI has somehow stirred up a much deeper fear. Not only is it quite apparent that humans cannot compete with AI in some cognitive capacities, but the latest generative AI agents that mimic complex human interactions and decisions are especially chilling to some. It might be the success of the human-like behavior simulation in AI systems that startles us. But should it be?
This AI blog series attempts to democratize the general public’s understanding and break these barriers. Many of my wonderful tech industry friends are eager to contribute because we all see the need to invite more constituents to the discussion. AI technology cannot live up to its full potential if users do not feel safe. Besides, when it comes to AI’s role in society, it’s far better to base any decisions on the views of many, instead of the views of a few. If AI is going to shift the world so fundamentally, we need a diversity of backgrounds in the discussions because we will all be affected.
AI is not the first technology we’ve tried to integrate into our society that challenges humanity. I was a Chemical Engineering student in the late '90s working for biotechnology professors as a research assistant when the debate about the ethics of gene technology application was scorching. Fast-forward 25 years, and genetic engineering has made a giant leap forward in medicine. It contributes to vaccine and medicine production, diagnostic tests, gene therapy, etc. Sensitive topics like embryo selection continue to spark debate, but for the most part, genetic engineering has not become the enormous catastrophe that some worried it would. There are certainly differences between AI and gene technology. Still, there are enough similarities to give us confidence that we can manage AI as long as we are mindful of its design, application, and containment.
The anxiety I hear in conversations with others suggests that they don’t trust humanity’s ability to harness AI’s power and potential—that it will become a modern Frankenstein’s monster, eventually supplanting its creators. It’s a misguided concern, when our own behaviours and beliefs resulting from the very existence of AI puts humanity at a far greater risk. But before we discuss that lesser-understood risk, we must understand why AI cannot replace humans by first addressing two fundamental questions: 1) What is AI, and 2) What is human intelligence?
- What is AI?
Artificial intelligence isn’t this boundless intelligence that magically emerges from a black box. It is intelligence based on learning from a large set of learning data. Based on the pattern it recognizes, AI can then make some predictions. The more data it learns from, the better its predictions will be. Its intelligence has clear boundaries—it is limited by the amount of data we can supply. However, its computational power is vastly superior to that of humans.
- What is human intelligence?
As you contemplate this question, you are experiencing human intelligence. The brain and its billions of neurons are vital to the human intelligence system and comprise one of the world's most magnificent and complex organs. But that does not make our brains our entire humanity. Humans have a broad range of capabilities, such as seeing, sensing, and feeling. We also adapt quickly as we learn from experiences. We are capable of original ideas and innovation. We also have consciousness, awareness of our existence, and internal thoughts.

By default, there isn’t anything AI can do that our human intelligence cannot, since humans inspire it. That said, AI may be more focused and process information faster. Suppose you single out a very narrow task, e.g., analyzing hundreds of millions of protein molecules to predict the specific three-dimensional “folded” shape of any given protein based on its specific function. In that case, AI recently solved a problem that had baffled human researchers for nearly three decades by learning how to predict the shape of proteins to the nearest atom.
However, while AI can sort through data to diagnose diseases well, it cannot deliver the news to the patient’s family with the grace and compassion that a good doctor will. AI will also be much less effective in navigating the complex emotional state of family members while problem-solving what actions they need to take based on the family’s feelings, finances, and interpersonal dynamics.
The scenario where AI is better than humans in most of the cognitive tasks we perform is likely, and coming sooner than we have anticipated. So instead of asking if humans will be replaced by AI, we should be asking how humanity will treat knowledge when it could no longer be a tool we need to wield by and for ourselves.
Should we still learn chess if we know we cannot beat AI in the game? Should everyone just learn from playing with AI, or is there still value in learning from another human? Will we still have the motivation to learn a skill if we have no hope of winning? In this new era, we ask ourselves a long list of questions about activities that AI could soon master.
Ultimately, we must decide the purpose of learning, of engaging the human intellect, and what role we want AI to play in those endeavors. This is what has prompted me to write this piece with urgency. There will be a point when we cannot turn the clock back; we are not there yet. This is why your participation—your individual decision on the ultimate purpose of the human mind in the face of an intelligence far greater than ours—is essential, before those decisions are no longer ours to make.
What makes AI potentially more damaging to our social fabric than any other technology is that it is designed to be an agent, one that can pretend to be our equal counterpart, manipulate our thinking, and make decisions for us based on algorithms, all in the blink of an eye. But it cannot factor the subjective nuances of moral, ethical, and empathetic considerations into its decision-making. This is why much of the warnings about AI are about human overreliance.
There was recently a report that one HR team was unable to find any candidates when they solely relied on AI to initially screen applicants. To probe, the hiring manager submitted his own CV under a different name, and he too received an automated rejection email. After some investigation, the HR team realized they made a typo on the AI prompt for a technical skill they were looking for. This example shows both the danger of relying solely on AI and how simple it would be to reduce the risks by having a human assess and modify proposed conclusions made by AI.
So, some of the fears of AI replacing human roles are valid—such as in fields where high volumes of data need to be processed rapidly—but not all of them are. As a society, we need to clear our minds of the panic fear elicits, and direct that energy into creating solutions to prevent the worst from happening. How would you develop a combat strategy if you were a CEO running a company facing emerging new competition? Some obvious steps would be understanding your new competition, revising your priorities, and strengthening your organization's core competencies.
Instead of dwelling on the risks alone, we should focus on the opportunity by working with AI to augment our intelligence. To do this, we need to ask ourselves, What makes us human? What should we focus on if AI can do some of the cognitive tasks we no longer need to do? And how should we strengthen and enhance our uniquely human superpowers?
AI is here to stay, so we need to revise our strategy based on this new reality and take action now to secure a better future for ourselves and the next generations. The truth is, we did not need to wait for AI to diminish our humanity—we have been doing that to ourselves. Since the digital explosion in the past decade, we have voluntarily given up many of our human superpowers. Nowadays, artists are pressured to make their art fit into the algorithm, targeting the most sizable audience cluster with comparable behavioral data, ultimately leading to derivative art. Are we allowing data associated with our on-screen habits to lock in the music, movies, food, and news we consume?
If we allow our screens and social media algorithms to dictate how we live and what we believe in, are we losing our agency?
If we allow algorithms to dictate our human experience, are we really that different from AI?
Now it is more important than ever to be the CEO of your human experience and exercise your free will to cultivate your human superpowers. We are so much more than just some algorithms. We are creative, collaborative, and compassionate. We are capable of giving and receiving love. We can tell right from wrong. We have humility. We have our own set of values and we do not have to be in agreement to learn from each other and solve problems together. We can feel that joy in our hearts when we are serving a purpose and making an impact (I can feel that as I write this piece). We are resilient and know how to adapt to new environments. We have intuition—isn’t it extraordinary how sometimes we just know? These magnificent qualities have helped propel us forward as a species for millennia.

To be a human on earth is a miraculous experience that AI will never taste. AI can only learn from data. But if we limit our experience by living through the screens, then we are limiting our learning, similar to the limited way AI learns. Humans learn best from experiences, and to maximize that learning we need to give room and time for surprises. We need to reduce our ego, put aside our judgment, and allow life to unfold. When was the last time you experienced pure joy, with no agenda, and were just playing? Thinking this through has implications for how we spend our free time and educate the next generation. I started Finding Ananda as a platform to discuss precisely this.
Regarding all the concerns around AI, exposing the monster in the box is the best way to combat fear. The second-best way is by ensuring we don’t trap ourselves in a similar box, with screens facing us on all six sides. In the upcoming blog posts, we will discuss the latest developments in AI, the opportunities, the risks, and what we can do to ensure AI can safely cooperate and co-exist with humans.
How do you think humanity could benefit the most from AI? What do you think we can do to collectively strengthen our uniquely human qualities? Subscribe to share your thoughts in the comments.

我们最应担忧的AI问题并非你所想 - 但它已在悄然发生
1) 什么是人工智能?
2) 什么是人类智慧?


作为地球上的人类,是一种奇迹般的体验,AI永远无法品尝。AI只能从数据中学习。但如果我们通过屏幕来限制自己的体验,那么我们的学习就像AI一样受限。人类最擅长从经验中学习,为了最大化这种学习,我们需要给惊喜留出空间和时间。我们需要降低自我,放下评判,让生活自行展开。您上次无所事事、纯粹享受快乐、只是玩耍,是什么时候?思考这些对于我们如何度过空闲时间以及如何教育下一代都有着重要意义。我创立了“寻找安娜达”(Finding Ananda)这个平台,正是为了讨论这些。
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