The day I learned I was brave enough to cry in public was the day I decided to talk about my divorce in a company meeting. 

Years before, I never would have imagined doing something so vulnerable and revealing. But the overwhelming feedback I received from the audience afterward convinced me that as a society, we need to de-stigmatize divorce. We need to discuss this common part of human relationships openly and without shame.  

In this Reset Diaries podcast interview, host Astha Pasricha invited me to talk about what I learned from the dissolution of my marriage. In it, I describe what happened when I decided to openly discuss my divorce during a company-wide meeting — and how the outcome surprised me. 

This episode is my latest effort to normalize divorce, a very taboo and sensitive topic in the workplace. Is it possible to see divorce as a springboard to a new life rather than focusing on it as a setback?  

I know it seems impossible to imagine, but in hindsight, I feel incredibly blessed to have had such an awakening moment early on in my adult life. This moment allowed me to choose again who I wanted to become and start working on the changes required to get there. Much of what I do today, including this interview and blog, stemmed from the deep yearning to find my life's purpose amid grief. 

I took the photos in this post with my camera while I was doing deep soul-searching right after my divorce, mainly in Southeast Asia, either with my running shoes for a marathon or my bike for touring. During these trips, I would wake up early and take sunrise photos. When it was boiling in the afternoon, I preferred the bliss of reading a book at a cafe with an ice-cold tangy lime soda. 

Photography has been and still is a critical inspiration for me. Now, I offer portrait sessions and donate all the proceeds to charities. I am always touched when someone sees a different side of themselves through my lens. I have looked at myself very differently from that of other photographers.  

My portrait by Ernest Chang, a Chinese-American multidisciplinary artist with deuteranopia

Before my divorce, my primary goal was to hold a perfect image for outsiders to admire. My divorce provoked a big opening in a seemingly perfect surface. Once there was a crack, I was no longer terrified by failure and imperfections. I remember my sigh of relief well. It was exhausting to keep up with the illusion. Between the cracks, there was finally space for sprouts of new possibilities. The tears were the water, and the new experiences were the sunshine. Slowly, my ecosystem strengthened, and my inner garden flourished.  

“The crack in your heart allows light in.”― Leslie Bratspis, Good Fortune

If you are experiencing a divorce or any other major life event while building your career, I hope this interview gives you comfort and ideas on how to process the pain and accelerate your healing and transformation. As humans, we are capable of experiencing multiple emotions at the same time. You might be sad about the end of your marriage but continue to find joy in your life and allow yourself to be excited about what might come next. Life is full of surprises; we only experience the good when we embrace the bad. Celebrate your courage to step out of familiarity and start a new chapter.  Remember, just because you are divorced, it doesn’t mean that you are broken. Divorce and what others say do not define you. The love you give to yourself and the world does.  

I want to give a special shout-out to Kim Barker and Stephanie Huckel, my ex-colleagues with whom I worked as a founding member of IGT’s Executive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Board. That experience inspired me to go beyond my day-to-day responsibilities and drive changes in corporate culture so that every person feels safe to be who they truly are regardless of where they come from and what they may be going through.

Have you experienced a divorce? What advice would you share about healing from this major life event while building a career? Subscribe to share your thoughts in the comments.  



在这次《重置日记》播客访谈中,主持人Astha Pasricha邀请我谈谈我从婚姻破裂中学到了什么。在这次访谈中,我描述了在一次全公司会议上,当我决定公开讨论我离婚时所发生的事情,结果是如何让我感到惊讶。




Phnom Penh, Cambodia



Danang, Vietnam


我要特别感谢我的前同事Kim Barker和Stephanie Huckel,我们都是IGT公司高管多元化、公平和包容董事会的创始成员。这段经历激励我超越自己的日常职责,推动企业文化的变革,让每个人都能安全地做自己,不管他们来自哪里,不管他们经历了什么。
