I just turned 45. Since I don’t plan to live to 100, this is halfway no matter how you look at it. This summer I felt a strong current of energy gaining momentum inside me again, nudging me to re-examine how I live my life. Ever since then, my heart has frequently pronounced: “Carpe Diem. Act!”

Fumbling with living more intentionally is not new for me. It's a journey that I was forced to embark on more than 10 years ago when I had to re-organize my life after a divorce. I collapsed into pieces and couldn’t go to work. When I did try showing up in the office, I would go between my desk and the bathroom because I couldn’t hold back my tears. I felt like my anchor was snatched away in a flash and I was in an angry sea wobbling all by myself.
My divorce might have triggered my depression, but the way I lived created a big pitfall. For years, my single point of focus was getting more trophies, such as top jobs and degrees, which I was told would get me happiness. Starting with my acceptance at an Ivy League university, each additional trophy gradually elevated my fear of failure even more. From the time I moved back to Hong Kong, my sleeping pattern was inconsistent and I was traveling non-stop. My body sent me signals that I chose to ignore – everything could wait until I collected another trophy. Eventually, I developed a chronic headache and pain in my gut that was impossible to ignore.

I am happy to say my mental and physical health has drastically improved since then. The story I want to share is that change is possible.
Transformation takes audacity, especially when we find the certainty of the status quo comforting. So unless the pain reaches a level that you physically or mentally cannot tolerate, you might choose to do nothing. As agonizing as it might feel, being shaken to the core is a true blessing. If life hadn’t put me in a corner and forced me, I might not have had the need to be introspective. A heart-opening moment can spark the decision to live differently, but the heavy lifting lies in figuring out what to do after. With a grateful heart, here are four key lessons I have learned and am still working on in my own journey.
- Embrace imperfections in ourselves, others, and life
In a recent Dharma talk at Shunkoin Temple in Myoshinji, Japan, Rev. Takafumi explained why imperfections are in fact gifts. “If you are perfect, then life is finished because all work is done and there will be nothing that you can add to it. However, when there are imperfections, you still can add and subtract.”
In Chinese, “perfection” has a number of translations and they all point to the same wisdom as shared by Rev. Takafumi. First, 完美 literally means a beautiful ending or 圆满, a complete circle with fullness.
Before my own divorce, I was trying to put up a “perfect” front but deep down I was physically ill and emotionally drained. My divorce gave me an opportunity to present an authentic self in front of everyone. It was very difficult at first but the love that poured in during that period made me realize what I could have been missing in life by pretending everything was OK.
- Focus on contributing, rather than fulfilling others’ expectations
Inside all of us there is a false ego that tells us we must be the center of the universe to be happy. Our false ego constantly compares us to the so-called perfect self that is defined by society. The false ego wants external validation to justify our existence. The false ego wants us to choose being right at all costs. If we are not careful, this false ego can swallow our soul and life. The internal conversations can become so loud that we lose the ability to hear messages from our own hearts. We then become slaves to others' expectations, rather than living at our own will.
Over time, I’ve noticed that allocating more time to think about supporting others, rather than meeting their expectations, leads to greater happiness. For example, instead of focusing on how to get promotions at work, I think about how I can help make the business successful, and how I can be a contributing member of the team. I am not saying promotions are not important, but when you change your mindset you will actually bring much better results and connections with your colleagues and customers, which ultimately will enhance your career.

One concept that helped me shift my mindset is one I learned during my Yoga Teachers’ training with Sudevi: Think of yourself as just an instrument for the universe (or any higher power aligned with your religion) to distribute certain resources and building blocks in the world, e.g., talents, money, skills, and intelligence. What if our assets are only on loan to us and we are just conduits?
- Update your narrative and be the source of light for yourself
We spend lots of effort chasing trophies – be they love, money, fame, or attention – in order to present certain stories externally just so our ego can feel good about the validation it receives in return.
Have we considered skipping the middleman and simply giving ourselves direct credit and praise when we do something right? When was the last time we updated ourselves on our latest needs, fears, dreams, and reasons to be proud?
The way you lived yesterday doesn’t have to be the way you live today or tomorrow. The danger of not updating our narrative is that we may be reacting based on the past not realizing the context today may have changed. For example, we might have been emotionally neglected as a child because our parents were busy making ends meet. To gain our parents' attention, we would have worked hard to get good grades. As an adult, we might be chasing trophies to continue this childhood pattern of impressing others without asking ourselves what would make us happy today.
To revise our narrative, we can start by challenging our internal dialogues regularly. Instead of listening to your head all the time, try to shift your focus to your heart from time to time. If your heart rate goes up, and you feel anxious, ask yourself why. If you are doing something that makes you feel like you are in the “flow” – a peaceful mental state where you are completely absorbed in a single task or activity, without regard to yourself, the passage of time, or the outside world – also investigate and make a note. Doing a metta, or love and kindness meditation, can also strengthen your connection to your heart. I’ll share more on different kinds of meditation in future blog posts.
- Schedule self-reflective time to evaluate the ingredients of your life
The same input and process will produce exactly the same output. Think of life as a dish. The taste is determined by the ingredients you include and the way you cook it. According to Harvard University researcher Arthur C. Brooks, happiness is built on four pillars: family, friendship, work, and faith. For me, these four pillars are the ingredients. Your everyday lifestyle patterns such as sleeping, eating, moving, playing, etc., are the cooking part of your life. Small things you do every day can make a big difference over time.
Just like cooking, the input enables you to make a decent guess about the result. Selected fresh ingredients that bring out the flavors of each other, prepared thoughtfully, will likely yield the best outcome; large quantities of low-quality ingredients cooked halfheartedly are unlikely to produce a delightful meal. Life is the same way.
At any restaurant, a good chef would make note of the recipe and he or she might also be inspired to alter certain ingredients to improve the dish during the process. Since we are the masters of our destinies, shouldn’t we all play the role of the chef in our own lives? If we want to live better lives, would it make sense to also do our own reviews regularly? It sounds cliché, but make some appointments with yourself for the New Year now. Carving out time for your own review can ensure you live the life you intend to live.
As an independent professional woman without a husband and kids, I can almost hear murmurs of, “Oh, poor thing” and “I wonder what happened to her” as I walk around town. Even better, they sometimes whisper to my family and friends as if such an inquiry would break me.
I would lie if these reactions had never affected me. With practice, though, I am taking much more control of my own narrative, my recipe, my relationship with myself, and my heart. It has been a journey with many struggles and tears, but I am proud of my evolution.
Looking back over the past 45 years, I would like to thank all my friends, family, and teachers who have shown their love and support for me along the way. Transformation is a lifelong journey – let’s support one another. Enjoy the ride!
在近期日本妙心寺春光院的一次法语中,川上住持解释了为什么不完美实际上是一种馈赠。他说:“如果你是完美的,那么生命就完结了,因为所有的工作都完成了,不用再添加任何东西。但如果存在不完美,你仍然可以做加法、做减法。”中文里有很多对应的意境,与川上住持所分享的智慧有共通之处。"完美" 字面上意指
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