From Wikipedia: Ānanda (Sanskrit: आनन्द) literally means bliss or happiness. In the Hindu Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, ānanda signifies eternal bliss which accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle.

I was born and raised in Hong Kong but didn’t grow up in the city. My maternal grandma was a farmer in a country park area called Sai Kung. Her farmhouse was up on a hill, and we lived at the bottom. We would hike up to her house and spend weekends with her and her chickens. I spent most of my childhood in the woods, catching fish, climbing trees, and visiting haunted houses with my brother and cousins in the village. We would miraculously show up during lunch and disappear into the woods again. That was before the iPhone was invented, and our parents had no idea where we were. 

My family and grandma at the farm house in Sai Kung

Back then, there was no social media for us to compare our lives to others and tell the world how right we were. Nature was our best entertainment. You might not have had as many “friends” back then, but the ones you knew mattered to you. You might not have been able to do as many tasks in a day, but the few you completed were done so mindfully. Most Hong Kongers were not well off back then, and we shared a deep sense of community. We knew we had to support each other to survive.  

When I think of the word Ananda, my childhood village life pops up in my mind. I am not saying the world was better than the one we are in now. Not at all. I have been working in the high-tech industry for over 15 years. I enjoy what I do and believe technology has greatly improved the world. As a chemical engineer by training, I am also encouraged by the latest mental health and longevity science.  

However, I continue to see how many people suffer because of how we live today, and I have had my own share of ups and downs over the years. Ironically, our natural internal compass to happiness is hindered by man-made innovations — digital devices, social media, and processed food. The phones are connected, but the humans that own them are more disconnected than ever —not only from the community but also from their own hearts. We have acquired more knowledge and accomplishments on external matters, but our internal garden is wilting. Today’s world allows us to easily check all the boxes and fool ourselves into being seen as abundant, but then we struggle more than ever internally.  

My vision is for Finding Ananda to be a platform for those who want to explore and discuss one of the most important topics of our generation — how can we find our ananda (happiness) again in today’s world? We will bring you the personal stories of those who seem to have found some partial solutions. We will serve you content that we hope can warm your hearts and souls. As a community, let’s put together a menu of ideas and tools that will enable us to thrive. 

What has been your greatest memory of ananda? Tell us in the comments below.

“I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy. ” ― Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

源自维基百科: Ānanda 安南达(梵文:आनन्द)这一词汇直译为幸福或快乐。在印度教的《吠陀经》、《奥义书》和《巴格瓦德·吉塔》中,ānanda所指代的不仅仅是一时的愉悦,更是一种与轮回循环终结相伴随的永恒之福。








“我并不是为了给世界留下印象而存在。我存在是为了以让我快乐的方式过我的生活。” —理查德·巴赫,《幻想:一位不情愿的弥赛亚的冒险》